Once your Cornerstone Integration is configured to pull appointments into HappyDoc, you're ready for the next phase of integration which enables HappyDoc to export a record directly into the Enhanced Medical Note in Cornerstone.
There are few steps required to configure the integration between HappyDoc and Cornerstone. These steps will need to be performed on your Cornerstone server.
Ensure that the custom document you have set up in HappyDoc contains all fields you’d like to see in Cornerstone. Send HappyDoc the URL corresponding to this document.
NOTE: the addition or removal of any fields will require coordination with HappyDoc so please ensure you are happy with your content before we begin this process.Download the Installer (a link will be provided) and unzip it to a folder (Extract All). Double click setup.exe to install then run HappyDoc from the Start menu.
NOTE: if you get a security warning, click "more info" and then "run anyway"
Click the gear icon to automatically populate most of the settings.
NOTE: You can change whether the record is written in Draft, Tentative or Final state in the settings here .
Populate the Account ID and API Key (these will be provided). Click Save and look for the Successful status. HappyDoc should now be connected to the Cornerstone database which enables us to sync files!
Click Close (X) and the app will continue to run in the background. If you need to return to the settings page simply start the HappyDoc app from the Start Menu again.
Once HappyDoc associates your export template with your custom document, you're ready to test the connection.
From HappyDoc, select a sync’d appointment from a recent day. You'll want to ensure there is a document generated which corresponds to the document selected in step 1 above.
From your icon bar at the top of the document, click Export.
In Cornerstone, open the relevant patient clipboard. Double click on the HappyDoc row!
Troubleshooting / FAQs
Q: I don't see an Export button in HappyDoc?
A: There are 3 requirements in order for the Export button to show: 1) the appointment must be sync'd into HappyDoc from Cornerstone. 2) the Doctor must be configured for export and 3) the document you are trying to export must have an associated export template.
Q: I see a URL in Cornerstone when I export instead of a document.
A: This likely means that the HappyDoc service isn't running on the server. Navigate to the Start menu > HappyDoc setup > Status tab. Confirm that the 2 checkboxes at the top for the database and the service are checked. If either one in unchecked, click back to the Configuration tab, click the blue Save button. Tt will restart the service and you should be up and running. If these steps don't work, please capture a screenshot of the Status tab and share it with support.
Q: Can I use the Cornerstone export functionality with mulit-pet appointments?
A: No. Unfortunately, at this time, export only supports single pet appointments. If you'd like to use a workaround, you can rename Patient A to "Patient A and B" ... this tells HappyDoc to process the recording as a 2-patient appointment. Record your visit as usual and you'll see documents generated for both Patient A and Patient B. When you click export, the document will be exported for Patient A. Copy / paste your record for Patient B.
Q: Can the row in Cornerstone be colored so that my HappyDoc record stands out from the other rows?
A: No, not at this time.
Q: Which of my Cornerstone templates does HappyDoc populate?
A: HappyDoc's export uses its own template which is derived from your custom document created in the Custom Document Builder. You cannot see or edit this template in Cornerstone. If you want to add or remove fields from your export template, first add or remove those fields in the Document Builder, then alert support. We will update your export template accordingly.