HappyDoc makes it easy to ensure that EzyVet stays in sync with your HappyDoc output via the Google Chrome Extension! With just one click, watch the information get written into your EzyVet clinical record.
💻 Configure the HappyDoc Chrome Extension and your Custom Document
Navigate to https://chromewebstore.google.com/search/happydoc then click "Add to Chrome"
Navigate to EzyVet and ensure that you see the HappyDoc Extension tab on the right side of your window. Click it to expand the extension and ensure that you are signed in, then click it to collapse again.
Next, you'll want to build a Custom Document that maps to your EzyVet fields (or confirm that your current Custom Document already does). The section titles in your HappyDoc output need to match the section titles in EzyVet. Navigate to the Document Types page to make any necessary updates or to create a new Custom Document.
NOTE: HappyDoc provides a default document titled "HappySOAP for EzyVet" if you have EzyVet selected as your PIMS in your Settings. This default setup will work if you have not edited your Section Titles (the green titles below) in your EzyVet Clinical Record. If you have, no worries! Just make a new custom document, choose HappySOAP for EzyVet as your template and then adjust the section names to match.
Once this is set, you're ready!
🔁 Sync'ing your data to EzyVet
Once HappyDoc generates a document for a patient, there are 2 ways to review and sync with EzyVet: 1) Opening and using the Extension within EzyVet or 2) Sync'ing the data from your HappyDoc Chrome tab.
Using the Extension within EzyVet
First, find the correct patient in EzyVet. This is important as you don't want to sync the wrong information to the wrong patient!
Click the HappyDoc logo to open the extension and find the correct patient in HappyDoc.
Open the patient view.
Review the output and make any edits that are necessary.
When you're satisfied, click "Approve and Sync" for just one individual section at a time OR click "Approve and Sync ALL" at the bottom of the output which will sync all of the sections at once.
Sync'ing the output from HappyDoc in a separate tab
First, find the correct patient in EzyVet. This is important as you don't want to sync information to the wrong patient!
In your HappyDoc Google Chrome tab, find the correct patient and open the Patient View.
Review the output, make any edits that are necessary. When you're satisfied, click "Approve and Sync" for just one individual section at a time OR click "Approve and Sync ALL" at the bottom of the output which will sync all of the sections at once.